The Orchard
The Ultimate Farm-to-Table Experience!
We sell our fresh apples and peaches by the bag-and you even pick them yourself! Peaches are in season from June 20th to September 15th, and apple season begins on September 1st (we grow a number of different varieties of apple which ripen at different times throughout the Fall-please see our Apple Schedule here to know when your favorite kind is ready for picking). Of course, all of our produce-along with many other food products-are available for purchase at our old-style country store. Store hours are 8am to 6pm, and our fields are available for fruit picking-or simply a delightful walk-from 9am to 5pm. If you wish to pick your own fruit, please see the sales clerk, select a bag, and pre-pay (bags come in different sizes and you are allowed to fill any you purchase). Our orchards also host a number of special events (see schedule below) which we invite you to attend. We are open Monday thru Saturday and closed Sundays. Come and enjoy this premier agrotourism attraction!
Special Event Schedule
Apple Blossom Festival - 2nd Sat. in April
Peach Festival - 4th Sat. in July
Apple Harvest Festival -3rd Sat. in October
Apple Valley 5K- 1st Sat. in November
Wagon Rides available Monday-Friday by appointment